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Charting a Bold Course: Training Leaders for 21st Century Ministry

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Leadership development is a life-long process. Yet the church of Jesus Christ is in desperate need of strong leaders in this generation. In Charting a Bold Course, Andrew Seidel provides an exceptional tool to get you started on cultivating the unique gifts and abilities God has given you and your leadership team. This leadership course will fit perfectly in a leadership training program.

1. A Biblical Philosophy of Leadership

2. Pilgrimage: The Leader's Pilgrimage

3. The Leader's Life Story

4. Identity: The Leader's Identity in Christ

5. The Leader's Temperament

6. The Leader's Gifts and Strengths

7. Integrity: The Leader's Values and Goals

8. Intimacy: Appropriate Openness and Vulnerability

9. Character: Character Qualifications for Church Leaders

10. Flaws, Strategies, and Character Development

11. Relationships Relationships in the Leader's Family

12. Relationships in the Church

13. Vision Developing Vision for Your Life

14. Developing Vision for Your Ministry

15. Communicating Your Vision

16. Skills: Understanding Your Church's Purpose and Culture

17. Planning Change to Fulfill the Vision

18. Communicating Effectively

19. Handling Conflict Constructively

20. Time Management for Church Leaders

Charting a Bold Course is like a compass.  With Jesus Christ as true north, each page will provide practical guidance to lead you into a deeper understanding of the grace and mercy of God himself.
-Brian Eby, Director, The Center for Biblical Counseling

Charting a Bold Course gave our church the tools to raise up a new generation of leaders.  The material is biblically sound and thoroughly practical.  Having known Dr. Seidel for almost twenty years, I can attest he not only knows the theory of character-driven leadership, but he practices it as well.
-Robert Oliver, Senior Pastor, Bastrop Bible Church

Andy Seidel has designed a leadership-training handbook that focuses on biblical principles and contemporary illustrations with relevant quotes from authors who are on the cutting edge of leadership development.  American Missionary Fellowship has adopted Charting a Bold Course as its leadership training program and we are excited about this strategic resource and its impact on this and future generations of Christian leaders to the glory of God.
-Gordon Anderson, NW Regional Director, American Missionary Fellowship

Product Details

  • Title : Charting a Bold Course: Training Leaders for 21st Century Ministry
  • Authors:
    • Seidel, Andrew
    • Hendricks, Howard
  • Publisher: Moody Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • ISBN: 9781575675879
ANDREW SEIDEL (West Point Military Academy, University of Illinois, Dallas Theological Seminary) serves as the executive director of the Center for Christian Leadership as Dallas Theological Seminary. He also works in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia with the mission organization Entrust. A graduate of West Point and a veteran of the U.S. Army, Dr. Seidel previously served as senior pastor at Grace Bible Church in College Station, Texas for 14 years. He is the author of Charting a Bold Course. Dr. Seidel and his wife have been married for more than 40 years and have two grown children and six grandchildren.
Some of God's leaders led well, some led poorly. But the one constant is that God has almost always used human leaders to accomplish His purposes on the earth. In Old Testament history, the leaders of God's people tended to be singular personalities, unique men and women who stood out as individual heroes. They were kings, prophets, priests, or judges. The leaders included lower-level citizens, such as those appointed by Moses to act as judges (see Exodus 18:25-26); but, for the most part, Old Testament leaders were highly individualistic, heroic leaders. With the establishment of the church, a major shift in leadership took place. The church has neither kings nor judges; but all believers are priests. Furthermore, all believers are given spiritual gifts with which they are enabled to render significant service for the kingdom of God. Some are specially gifted in the area of leadership; but leadership has become much less of a solitary, heroic occupation. Leadership during the church age is much less individual, much more collegial; it is much less directing or ruling, much more serving and enabling. Church leadership is marked by a plurality of elders and deacons and no singular human head of the church.


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